About Me

My photo
Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia
To describe bout me @ yrself u need to get an opinion from other's so this is wat people says about me : CRAZY, CARING, TEMPER, SPOILT BRAT, BOSSY, SNOBISH, STUCK UP, PERFECTIONIST, GOOD LISTENER, GOOD ADVISOR, TV ADDICT, LOVING, TOO COMITTED, CHILDISH, EASY GET HURT, GOOD PRETENDER, KEEP EVERYTHING TO MYSELF... basically there's still a lot more but i'm afraid that the space is not enough for me to fill in..hehehe... Btw i'm borneo gurl from KUCHING..

14 August 2008

I Miss You...

I miss your laughter, fun, and gentleness.
I miss the things I used to do for you.
I miss the time, now filled with emptiness,
When each day was a stage for something new.
I miss your love, though mine for you remains,
A passion with no outlet to the sea,
A teardrop in a desert, that contains
What's left of my maternal ecstasy.
I miss your presence, like a silent chord
That anchored even solitude in grace.
I miss, for my love's labor, the reward
Of seeing some small pleasure in your face.
All these I miss, and yet they are all here
Within my heart, far more than I can bear.

I really miss you!!!